Rebell BDC 31414-digit desktop calculator with angled display. BDC 314 has basic mathematical functions, profit margins calculation, TAX function, Grand Total, rounding and decimal selectors and two 3 key memories.
Rebell BDC 31616-digit desktop calculator with angled display. BDC 316 has basic mathematical functions, profit margins calculation, TAX function, Grand Total, rounding and decimal selectors and two 3 key memories.
Rebell BDC 412Large 12-digit desktop calculator with standard mathematical functions and angled display. BDC 412 has Mark up calculation, correction and double zero keys, rounding and decimal selectors and double memory.
Rebell BDC 514Large 14-digit desktop calculator with standard mathematical functions and angled display. BDC 514 has Mark up calculation, TAX function, correction and double zero keys, rounding and decimal selectors and 4 key memory.
Rebell BDC 616Large 16-digit desktop calculator with standard mathematical functions and angled display. BDC 616 has Mark up calculation, currency conversions, correction and double zero keys, rounding and decimal selectors and double memory.
Rebell BDC 712Desktop calculator ideal for commercial and office. Large 12-digit desktop calculator with standard mathematical functions and angled display. The BDC 712+ has a dual memory function, margin calculation and rounding and decimal selectors. Available in 5 colour variants.
Rebell BDC 716M16-digit desktop calculator with angled display and 2 memories.
Rebell BDC 716T16-digit desktop calculator with angled display and 2 memories.